Not only is podcasting fun, but gives people a voice on a global platform. It’s the easiest and cheapest way to tell your story to the world.

It’s also a great way to promote your business and expertise to a wide audience. The most popular podcasts can be monetised as an additional revenue stream too.

Much like any content, the idea is to get your podcast to as many people in your target market as possible.

promotion tips

  1. Ask people to subscribe. Start with family, friends, colleagues and your online community. Good content will be shared.
  2. Submit to Podcast Directories. If you’re using one of our recommended hosts, they will automatically distribute your content to all the major directories such as Apple Podcasts and Spotify.
  3. Leverage existing assets. Share your content to your website and social feeds.
  4. Share reviews and testimonials. People will engage with popular podcasts so when you get a raving review, share it with the world!
  5. Post on social media. Promoting your content to people who follow you already is a great way to spread the word.
  6. Be someone else’s guest. Cross promoting your podcast on someone else’s show is a great way to tap into a wider audience. Return the favour and invite them on to your podcast for even greater exposure then share, share, share.
  7. Create audio and video teasers to direct people to your podcast. Use a highlight of the content, add a graphic and share on your socials.

Sounds easy, right?

If you want to take your podcasting really seriously, why not get in touch with a ‘poddiy partner’ to give your podcast an even better chance of raving success.
